To access text to pay you will first go to ExpressPay Sale on the left hand side of the screen

After you click expresspay sale you will be prompted with this screen. You will then need to type in the information of the Customer and you only need to fill in the fields market with a red asterisk.

You will also need to put in the phone number of the user under the PRIMARY MOBILE PHONE NUMBER box.  You will then need to ask the user before hitting submit if they are paying by Credit or Debit. If the transaction is credit you will leave on the surcharge fee. If the transaction is debit you will remove the surcharge by choosing No Surcharge under the surcharge type. You will then press submit.

On our end this screen will pop up

And then it will show the transaction history at the bottom of the page to show that the status is requested but not yet paid.

If you need to process another transaction before you are sure this transaction has been paid you can look up the status of the transaction by going to ExpressPay Reports and looking for the transaction and the status:

As you can see here the transaction is still in the requested status so we are waiting on it to be paid.

Once the customer confirms they have paid you will see the status change to approved: 


The user's experience

The user will get a text message that looks like this 

When the user clicks the link they will be prompted to input their credit card number and information.

The user will then be texted a verification code and they will want to put this information as the verification code on the website for the transaction.

Once the user inputs their data they can click pay

And they will then see this screen: 

They can choose email receipt or print receipt.