To create a new PO: 

- Open Reynolds, then open "Accounting" for the store (MD or VA) you're writing a PO for.

- Once in accounting, select "Tools" at the top center, then "Purchase Orders 0680"

- Once in Purchase Orders, select "File" then "Add PO"

- Change the following fields: 

   - PO Type: Miscellaneous 

   - Date: the invoices date or prior

   - Written By: your employee number

   - Requested By: your employee number

   - Name Type: Vendor

   - Name ID: Click the magnify glass, enter the company under the "Company Name" and search, then double click their account

   - Ship To: the store number you want to use:

       - MD:

           - Gburg Chevy: 10

           - Tmont CJD: 20

           - Tmont Chevy: 30

           - Gtown Honda: 40

           - Gtown Maserati: 50

           - Gtown Nissan: 60

           - Gburg CJD: 70

       - VA:

           - Wstock Ford: 90

           - Wstock CJD: 3617

- Under "PO Detail" enter the line items, or at least a descriptive total, filling out "Description", "Qty", "Price"

- Select "Account Distribution", and enter the proper account and amount - typically "OUTSIDE SERVICES". You can use the magnify glass to search for accounts. The amounts must balance, so if the invoice is for $1.01, you must disperse $1.01 to the accounts, with "Balance" at the bottom reading "0.00":

- Click OK on the Account Distribution, your PO should not look similar to this: 

- Select "Authorize" on the bottom middle, then enter the vendors invoice number and invoice date, and select "OK"

- Click "Add" on the bottom right. 

To retrieve a digital copy of your PO: 


- In the Reynolds "Homepage" click "Integrated Document Management" for the store you wrote your PO in

- On the bottom right "Document Key" fields, find "PO" and enter the PO number, then select "Search" at the bottom right corner:

- In the "Results" field right click the PO, and select "Export":

- Click the magnify glass and navigate to where you would like to save the PO, then select "Export":